The holiday rush means so many different things in a food pantry and day center. We have been extra busy with new families coming in to shop for groceries this month. Thanksgiving and Christmas is a joyful and stressful time for people. We here at the Hope Center are here to help ease that stress for families in need.

We truly love our community here at the Hope Center. Without our community, we couldn't serve those in need. We couldn't do it without you. United Way of NW Oklahoma gave us hams & turkeys for our clients!
Thank you, Dan!

We would like to take a moment to thank each of our contributors of monthly donors and even the donors who contributed to our fundraisers this year. Not only those who have contributed financially but our donors of time. We have a strong group of volunteers who make our pantry run smoothly! Not only do they help clients shop but also keep it all nice and tidy clean. Thank you!
Below will be a few photos of appreciation from the last few weeks here at the Hope Center!
Alone we can do so little; together, we can do so much! Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts! Sending our community lots of love and gratefulness for everything! Happy Holidays!